How can we help you?
Conditions of Travel
The following conditions apply when you travel with Taxi Stockholm 150000 AB (Taxi Stockholm below). If you, or the company or organization where you are working, reaches a Company Agreement with Taxi Stockholm, the terms of the account provisions or the Company Agreement take priority over these Conditions of Travel.
Taxi Stockholm aims to be the leading partner for taxi services; with superior service, quality and availability for Stockholm residents and their guests. We want to distinguish ourselves significantly from our competitors by always exceeding customer expectations. We wish to be a responsible community operator that aims to be more than just a taxi.
Our intention with these travel conditions is to describe our services and present the responsibilities we assume towards having you as a customer, and which we expect that the customer assumes towards us. The intention is also to reasonably define the responsibilities Taxi Stockholm takes on board in the performance of its services.
Ordering cars
At Taxi Stockholm, you have several ways of booking a trip, including Taxi Stockholm´s iPhone and Android applications, texting, calling, via the web or by hailing a taxi on the street.
Once the order has been made via text, App or Mobile Web, you will get a confirmation of your order. If the confirmation does not appear to correspond to your order, please contact the Taxi Stockholm switchboard immediately by calling 08-15 00 00 (for private customers) or 08-612 00 00 (for business customers).
If the car doesn’t show up
If the taxi you ordered does not arrive on time, please contact the Taxi Stockholm switchboard immediately by calling 08-15 00 00 (for private customers ) or 08-612 00 00 (for business customers). If you have received an order number it’s a good idea to have it on you when you call, so you can quickly identify your order.
Our drivers will assist you with loading and unloading your luggage both at the beginning of the journey and at the final destination. Be sure to pack your entire luggage into the car, or that the entire luggage is handed over to the driver. When you step out of the car at the end of your journey, make sure you do not leave any of your items behind; luggage, mobile phone, wallet and other items. As a customer you are responsible for any items you leave behind.
If you left something behind you in the taxi, please contact our Customer Centre during business hours by calling 08-728 27 00 ( and pressing 2 ). After office hours please contact the Taxi Stockholm switchboard instead by calling 08-15 00 00 (for private customers) or call 08-612 00 00 (for business customers).
If you find any item in the car that has been left behind by a previous passenger, you may not bring the item with you, you should bring the misplaced item to the driver’s attention.
Things which are found in taxis at the end of the trip, and are not immediately claimed, are handed over by the driver to the Police Lost Property Department at Bergsgatan 52. The phone number is 010-5633610 and the Lost and Found Department is open weekdays from 1 pm to 3 pm.
If the journey is not carried out at a fixed price the tariff Taxi Stockholm applies when the trip is done is applicable. The prices are always displayed on price stickers placed both inside and outside of the taxis. You also find information on prices at Taxi Stockholm´s website.
As a customer, you usually have the opportunity to ask Taxi Stockholm to offer you a fixed price. This fixed price is based on how long the trip is expected to take, given the selected route at the point in time that the trip is going to take place. If you want an offer of a fixed price, you should enquire about this from the driver before the journey begins. You can also request a fixed price when you are placing your order through our switchboard.
A waiting charge is imposed from the time when the taxi arrives at the collection address and this is not included in the fixed price. When pre-ordering, a waiting charge is imposed from the time when the pre-ordered begins, regardless of whether it has been booked for a fixed price or not.
When booking a trip with a via address at a fixed price, approximately three minutes of waiting time is included per stop, the taxi will not be able to make any longer stops at an address. You are responsible for ensuring that any persons who will be traveling with you, are at their pick-up address on time.
When paying for your fare as a customer, you can choose from several different payment methods. Taxi Stockholm accepts most major credit cards and you can also pay with cash, not only in Swedish currency, but also in Euro, British pounds and U.S. dollars. If you have registered an account with Taxi Stockholm, either as a company or as a private individual, you can pay subsequently by invoice. This kind of account is provided by Taxi Stockholm at your request, after the customary credit check, and on the conditions applied by Taxi Stockholm.
As a customer, you are always entitled to receive a receipt for your payment.
If you are not satisfied with the performed journey or not satisfied with our services in general, we encourage you to notify us of this by contacting the Taxi Stockholm Customer Care during office hours: telephone 08-728 27 00 ( press 2 ), or by e-mail There is also a form on our website that you can use for comments. After office hours you can contact Taxi Stockholm’s switchboard by calling 08-15 00 00 (for private customers) or 08-612 00 00 (for business customers).
You should make your complaint as soon as possible but no later than 15 days after the journey took place (or 15 days from when the journey should have taken place, in the event of no trip being made). Are you an invoicing customer and wish to raise an objection about an invoice, this must be done within 15 days after receipt of invoice.
Taxi Stockholm’s goal is that you will receive an answer about how your complaint will be processed within five working days. The nature of the matter, however, implies that a reply may well be delayed a little longer.
Taxi Stockholm’s responsibility and liability
If you suffer an injury while travelling with Taxi Stockholm, depending on the type of injury you suffered and how the damage occurred, you may well be entitled to compensation. You should always make sure to notify Taxi Stockholm as soon as possible if you have suffered an injury and wish to claim compensation; within 15 days from the date the injury occurred.
For personal injury and damage to property transported in the taxi vehicle, it is the regulations of the Motor Traffic Injuries Act (1975:1410) which apply. This usually means that the compensation is paid out through the taxi vehicle’s motor insurance (or from that of any other vehicle involved). If you should suffer an injury or property damage during your journey with Taxi Stockholm, you should therefore seek reimbursement from the transporting taxi vehicle’s motor insurance. If you get in touch with Taxi Stockholm they will give you information about which insurance company you can turn to.
If you suffer any other injury which is not reimbursed by the car’s motor insurance, you may be entitled to compensation from Taxi Stockholm if Taxi Stockholm has caused the injury through negligence. Taxi Stockholm’s liability is limited however to direct injury/damage, which means that Taxi Stockholm is not liable for indirect damage, such as loss of income, revenue or profits, or production, third party or other consequential damages. Besides personal injury, Taxi Stockholm’s responsibilities are also capped at a fixed amount per injury: For property damage, the limitation is one (1 ) base amount and for pure economic loss ten (10) % of the current base amount, under the National Insurance Act (1962:381), at the time that the journey was undertaken.
Taxi Stockholm has no responsibility whatsoever if Taxi Stockholm’s ability to perform services was prevented, or for damage arising, through circumstances beyond Taxi Stockholm’s control; circumstances such as government action, strikes or other labour disputes, fuel shortages, machine or other vehicle damage, harsh weather or unexpected disruption in activities.
Customer’s obligation to limit the damage
If you suffer an injury, you are obliged to do what is reasonable to limit your injury. Taxi Stockholm is not obliged to pay compensation for losses or damage that you yourself ought to have avoided.
All taxi vehicles which are connected to Taxi Stockholm are insured to an appropriate extent against injury to passengers and damage to their property. In addition to this, Taxi Stockholm has signed adequate liability insurance for other types of damage at a sufficient amount.
Processing of personal data
We handle personal data according to our Integricy Policy which can be found on our website.
If we do not agree
If you submit a complaint about Taxi Stockholm’s services, and are not satisfied with the notification you have received, you have, of course, the opportunity of turning to the National Board for Consumer Complaints:
Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden (ARN) [Board for Consumer Complaints]
Kungsholmstorg 5, Stockholm
Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm
Tel no. 08 – 508 860 00