Easy booking and smooth payment with our app
With an iPhone or Android phone you can easily book and pay smoothly through our app.
Book regular taxi, maxi or Taxi Stockholm Business to tailor the journey based on your needs.
Choose if you want to travel with taximeter or fixed rate. In the car you can easily pay with card, cash or with your Taxi Stockholm account.
With a personal or business account payment and receipts are easily managed using your smartphone.
A reliable taxi company
Collective agreement
Taxi Stockholm is not only Stockholms oldest taxi company, but also the most reliable one. With us a proper collective agreement is a definite given.
Taxi Stockholm are constantly striving to be Sweden’s most environmentally friendly taxi company. As one of the largest taxi companies on the market we take responsibility for our environmental impact. The share of renewable fuels has increased from 42 % 2019 to 46 % 2020. Our goal is to deliver an emission-free transport service by 2030.
Taxi Stockholm is a strong and prosperous brand. We exist throughout the entire Stockholm region with approximately 1400 cars and 4200 service minded drivers. We offer you good education and support, and all work towards the same goal; exceeding customer expectations.